Welcome to WarrenCode!

Hello and welcome to WarrenCode! You have stumbled upon a website created by myself, LeeAnn Warren, to share a concise portfolio of past, current, and future projects.

About the Developer

Development Projects

This website you are browsing is my current project. Technology used to create this website includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, bootstrap, jquery

Created during my undergrad, I wanted to learn more about Swift and Objective-C as well as the Apple ecosystem. This project shows basic concepts I played with during that period of exploration. Technology used to create this application includes Swift, SwiftUI, Objective-C

Created during my undergrad, this is a collection of assignments that show VB.net and event-driven concepts. This project highlights some of the coursework completed during undergrad. Technology used to create these applications includes VB.Net, Windows Forms, Event-driven programming

Created during my undergrad, this is a group project assignment where the deliverable required storage of user's information such as name, linked cards, and bank info. Additionally, this project allowed me to explore UI/UX tools such as Figma for prototyping. Technology used to create these applications includes Android Studio, Java, Figma

Created during my undergrad, this is a simple application that uses gamification to show how to handle multi-threading in C#. This project includes game mechanics that start, stop, and pause threads while keeping user's score.

This project is a work in progress and will be updated as more progress is made. The goal is to create a locally saved Task Tracker that is combined with a Pet Simulator to encourage users to create and complete tasks to see their pet evolve. Technology used includes Windows Presentation Foundation, C#, .NET Framework, Figma.

This project was a group project for Georgia Tech CSE 6242: Data and Visual Analytics. The goal of this project was to use large datasets to analyze a problem space and provide a visualization element for users. Our project revolved around mortgage applicant approval bias that included factors such as income, gender, ethnicity, and occupancy type based in three popular mortgage application states. Technology used in this project include Jupyter Notebook, HTML, CSS, JS, D3 and deployed through Github

Interactive Web Apps

Not sure how to tackle tasks right now? Don't fret, simply roll the dice and see what luck says!

  • Die 1: 'Home Tasks'
  • Die 2: 'Personal Care Tasks'
  • Die 3: 'Creative Tasks'